Future U
Student Work: Crafting User Experiences
Role: Research, Ideation, Prototyping, Visual Design
Team: Kenny Ramsay, Jiya Seo
This project was conceived out of my team’s interest in the problem of time inconsistency; when a decision-maker's preferences change over time in such a way that a preference can become inconsistent at another point in time.
Who is at the core of the time inconsistency problem? Logically, early decisions start with younger humans.
High school aged students are at a pivotal time in their life. They’re considering future options after graduation, but need guidance imagining their path.
How might we help balance the preferences of present and future versions of high school-aged students?
We talked to individuals both in our target user age range (high school age, 14-18), and people in their early to late 20s for their perspective on how their values have changed.
FutureU balances the preferences of current high school students and their future selves by helping them consider important future values and honoring their current preferences.
If the user chooses a career to continue learning about, they can see a more detailed list of necessary steps to take on their journey toward achieving that career.
FutureU helps high school aged students explore their future based on factors that matter to them, and how their future might look after different paths.